I needed a project to do over the summer since we'll be on the go just about every weekend. I have really taken to my photography lately because of our new home and area we live in. I'm not a pro, I just love sealing memories with a click of a button. I hope to get better at this whole picture taking thing and get some really neat shots in the process. Don't be surprised if 90% of them are of my sweet Arthur Jay.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Hi everyone. I'm taking a short break..I'll be back in a few days. I'm in Georgia visiting my family and my sisters Internet is down! We'll see y'all soon!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Day 32
Piano Man

Arthur Jay was given this toy piano when he was about 9 months old. When he first got it he would bang bang bang for hours and then take a break like he was just exhausted. I have a video of it and I will probably upload it some other time, it's just too cute for words. His piano was put into storage when we moved down to St. Pete. Well we found it in a box today and he was so excited to see his piano! Arthur Jay loves all of is instruments. Piano included.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Day 31

The outside of my neighbors house is covered in these spiders. I know they look so creepy but they are also very pretty. They are called Banana Spiders. The ones that live in North America aren't very dangerous, it's the ones in South America that people have to worry about. Any how, my neighbor Mary Ann told me to come over and bring my camera, she had something to show me. I got over there and these babies were everywhere. I counted twenty before I stopped. They can be quite massive and this was one of the biggest ones I could get close to. I think he or she is actually really pretty. I wouldn't want to get bitten but I find them fascinating.
The outside of my neighbors house is covered in these spiders. I know they look so creepy but they are also very pretty. They are called Banana Spiders. The ones that live in North America aren't very dangerous, it's the ones in South America that people have to worry about. Any how, my neighbor Mary Ann told me to come over and bring my camera, she had something to show me. I got over there and these babies were everywhere. I counted twenty before I stopped. They can be quite massive and this was one of the biggest ones I could get close to. I think he or she is actually really pretty. I wouldn't want to get bitten but I find them fascinating.
Day 30
Georgia Girl

Georgia Girl is a wild hog my neighbor has had since she was a piglet. She was raised with intentions of becoming food but Mrs. Cook just couldn't do it. Now she has become the head Ham around the Cook's farm. She lives in a nice pen and is in hog heaven. OK, sorry for the corny jokes. But Georgia loves animal cookies and fresh vegetable snacks that we bring her. She loves to be scratched behind the ear and she gets very vocal when she doesn't like something. She loves to be talked to, so much so that there are two logs in front of her pen where you are welcome to sit and talk. She is very gentle and has even let Arthur Jay stick his hand in her mouth. Everyone loves her, so I thought she deserved to be picture of the day at least once!
Day 29
Southern Charm

There are many things that come to mind when I think of the South. Sweet Tea, Grits, Football and Live Oak Trees. This is a shot of my backyard. When we first saw this place I instantly fell in love. The trees with the Spanish moss stole my heart and I knew that this would be my home. Since I lived in Georgia for years and years, our backyard took me home. You can find trees like this all over south Georgia, especially Savannah. These trees have a Southern Charm you can't get from anything else.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Day 28
Discarded Beauty

Arthur Jay, Mrs. Cook and I went to a peacock farm today. Mrs. Cook wanted to get some peacocks for her yard and we took a little drive to pick up four babies. Arthur Jay and I walked around the property and this lady had tons of birds. She had everything from chickens to tropical birds. Arthur Jay and I saw these beautiful feathers all over the ground and I couldn't pass up the chance to get a couple pictures of them.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Day 27
Day 26
How U Durrin'?

This is Chocolate the Donkey. She lives across the street with her friend Rosie. Chocolate is one of the sweetest and most gentle Donkeys I've ever seen. She loves Arthur Jay and I and will meet us at the fence anytime we come over. She has even let Arthur Jay sit on her back without bucking or getting fussy. Her favorite treat? Animal Cookies.
Day 25
I'm gonna pump! You up!

So very sorry for not updating these past few days. Trevor has had Army stuff and he needed to take the laptop with him... So I will be posting pics from the past little bit to catch up. Arthur Jay once again, being silly. He borrowed Mrs. Cooks sweat band and looks like a maniac...maniac..on the floor.. Ha ha. His daddy will LOVE this one!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Day 24
Cleaning the Bowl

I'm having to do two pictures in one day because Trevor will have the laptop all weekend when he's gone to drill. This picture is from a couple weeks ago when I made chocolate cupcakes. Arthur Jay had never gotten the chance lick to spoon and clean the bowl. By the end of it all I could have put the bowl and spatula up because they were licked clean. My little guy has got a sweet tooth for sure. Love Arthur Jay and his sugar lips!
Day 23
Bubba's New Hair Cut

Arthur Jay got his hair yesterday and it was a horrible experience, as always. I give major props to the lady who did it. I took this picture after dinner and I think he's giving me an Aunt Sissy look. I have really enjoyed taking pictures of everything in sight. I think my camera is always with me where ever I go. I hope that everyone is enjoying the pictures.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Day 22
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Day 21
Backyard Beauty

I had an eventful morning today. It started with a naked baby turning up in my bed at 7 am. Then a rogue chicken getting out. Trevor and Arthur Jay took a trip to town while I cleaned up the camper and on my way in the house I saw this. This butterfly wasn't afraid of me at all while I zoomed past to get things inside. I told myself that if he was still outside I wasn't gonna miss getting a picture. I must have taken 20 shots and he never flew off. His coloring is so pretty and I thought everyone needed to see him. I blacked out the rest of the shot so you could see just how brilliant his coloring is. I love living where I do. There is never a day that I don't see something I want to take pictures of.

I had an eventful morning today. It started with a naked baby turning up in my bed at 7 am. Then a rogue chicken getting out. Trevor and Arthur Jay took a trip to town while I cleaned up the camper and on my way in the house I saw this. This butterfly wasn't afraid of me at all while I zoomed past to get things inside. I told myself that if he was still outside I wasn't gonna miss getting a picture. I must have taken 20 shots and he never flew off. His coloring is so pretty and I thought everyone needed to see him. I blacked out the rest of the shot so you could see just how brilliant his coloring is. I love living where I do. There is never a day that I don't see something I want to take pictures of.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Day 20
First dip of the season

Arthur Jay's inner water bug has come out in full force. We went swimming at his Nana Geri's house today and he was a little hesitant about the water. He loves baths and any free standing water. But he is more cautious about swimming pools. He took his time, step by step getting into the water. I love seeing him stick his whole face in the water and not think twice. I can't wait to get him into some sort of swimming lessons. And I can't wait to get him back into the pool!
Arthur Jay's inner water bug has come out in full force. We went swimming at his Nana Geri's house today and he was a little hesitant about the water. He loves baths and any free standing water. But he is more cautious about swimming pools. He took his time, step by step getting into the water. I love seeing him stick his whole face in the water and not think twice. I can't wait to get him into some sort of swimming lessons. And I can't wait to get him back into the pool!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Day 18 and 19 combined..
Our house: Divided

Our neighbor bought us these and they made our day. Trevor is the Gator and I'm The Bama Fan. Roll Tide Roll!

Our neighbor bought us these and they made our day. Trevor is the Gator and I'm The Bama Fan. Roll Tide Roll!
A Lady in the Grove
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Day 17
Memory Lane

Trevor and I are away camping for the weekend without the baby. I haven't seen him in all of 24 hours, but I am missing him so badly. I was going through his baby pictures and I found this one. Arthur Jay was about 7 months here. At this age he was always smiling and laughing and loved having his picture taken. Trevor and I have been talking about having baby #2 and if the next one would turn out like Arthur Jay, I would have another one in a heart beat. He was the best baby ever. I love you Arthur Jay.
Trevor and I are away camping for the weekend without the baby. I haven't seen him in all of 24 hours, but I am missing him so badly. I was going through his baby pictures and I found this one. Arthur Jay was about 7 months here. At this age he was always smiling and laughing and loved having his picture taken. Trevor and I have been talking about having baby #2 and if the next one would turn out like Arthur Jay, I would have another one in a heart beat. He was the best baby ever. I love you Arthur Jay.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Day 16
Southern Treat

Now, if you aren't from the south I don't expect you to know what this really is. RC cola and a Moon Pie. There's nothing like them really. My husband gets his best friend Comer a case of both for Christmas every year and he loves them. So today Trevor picked him up his favorite and they were gone before he knew what hit him!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 15
Pig in a tree? How can that be?

I think I could take pictures at my neighbors house everyday and never run out of things to shoot. This little guy in hanging out watching out over the back yard at Mrs. Cook's house. The way he is positioned, it almost looks like he is watching over the chicken coops. I don't know if he or she has a name, but if I find out, I will be sure to post!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Day 14
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 13
Sweet Sugar Lips

I'd have to say this is my favorite picture so far that I've posted. Since Arthur Jay was born he's had the sweetest lips. He's been called "Aunt Sissies Good Sugar" for the longest time and he really does give the sweetest kisses. Every time he gives me kisses I tell him that they are the best kisses EVER! There's something about those big pooching lips that are just the cutest.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Day 12
Blood Lily

This flower is called a Blood Lily. My precious neighbor has a whole planter full of them and one day she showed them to me. They remind us of dandelions only red, and bigger. They bloom big like this then once it rains the whole bloom falls off. I have to say that it's one of the prettiest flowers I've ever seen. What do you think?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Day 11
Fist Bump

Today was a very slow day today. As you can tell by the picture, my boys didn't even leave their pj's. Arthur Jay learned something new...the fist bump. Trevor was so happy. I tried to get the best shot possible, and this was the best one I could get. Arthur Jay is so comical. We laugh at him everyday. I love this face of his!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Day 10
A shot of Me

I took this while Arthur Jay was taking a nap. I don't like having my picture taken too often and I might as well do it on my own terms. I can edit it like I want and I have the final say. It is a beautiful day out and this was before it got too muggy out. Otherwise I would have beads of sweat rolling down between my brows. Gotta love that Florida humidity...no...you don't, really.
I took this while Arthur Jay was taking a nap. I don't like having my picture taken too often and I might as well do it on my own terms. I can edit it like I want and I have the final say. It is a beautiful day out and this was before it got too muggy out. Otherwise I would have beads of sweat rolling down between my brows. Gotta love that Florida humidity...no...you don't, really.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Day 9
This is Phoebe. The neighborhood cat. She belongs to an older couple that lives across the street from us, but she spends most of her time with us. She likes to come on our porch and lounge around all day, so I let her. She lets Arthur Jay pet her and loves to give him kisses. Trevor tried at first to act as if he didn't like her. Then the truth came out. He bought her a food and water dish. She's such a sweet cat.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Day 8

I don't know why I chose this picture. I guess Arthur Jay looks exceptionally sweet when he gets up from sleeping. He was having a bite to eat and drinking from his favorite sippy cup. I know you are thinking it's weird that a little boy is drinking from a bright pink cup, but this cup is special. It belongs to his cousin Riley. Every time he gets something to drink in this cup, he lets me know that it's "Riley's pippy!" So, this picture is for you sweet Riley. We love you!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Day 7
Best Friend since Birth

This is Rabbit. She was a gift for Arthur Jay from one of Trevor's co-workers. This co-worker, named Marsha, moved away before Arthur Jay was born. And she has no idea that her gift has been by Arthur Jay's side since his birth. Arthur Jay carries this rabbit on every trip and takes it to bed with him every night. He carries rabbit through the house, holds it by the ear, gives it hugs and kisses, and now tries to feed it anything he can get his hands on. It is such a sweet relationship that he has with this rabbit. Rabbit is my baby's very best friend.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Day 6
The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Yesterday we received 6 chickens and a rooster from our neighbor. While checking out their pen and the fence around it, I noticed this little spider. Out here in the country there are neat looking spiders all over the place. This one caught my eye because of his neat web he had spun. As you can see it's sort of zig zagged like a zipper. And the spider has some really neat markings. I really don't like spiders much after getting bit by a brown recluse years ago. Now I have a respect for them...so much respect that I introduce them to the bottom of my shoe, if they are in my house.
Yesterday we received 6 chickens and a rooster from our neighbor. While checking out their pen and the fence around it, I noticed this little spider. Out here in the country there are neat looking spiders all over the place. This one caught my eye because of his neat web he had spun. As you can see it's sort of zig zagged like a zipper. And the spider has some really neat markings. I really don't like spiders much after getting bit by a brown recluse years ago. Now I have a respect for them...so much respect that I introduce them to the bottom of my shoe, if they are in my house.
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